Monday, February 11, 2013

Hold onto your Stocks and Pay the Piper

If you have stock investments then grab hold of your jaw because it is about to drop.....

A widely recognized pioneer in the trading world recently stated that not only has "buy and hold" stock investing stopped working since the year 2000, but it probably won’t work again for a decade or more!

Answer these questions to see what impact this could have on YOU:

*     Do you have an IRA invested in mutual funds?
*     Do you have a stock portfolio that holds positions longer than a month?
*     Did you lose wealth in the 2008 credit crisis?

If you answered YES to any of these questions then you may be in serious trouble for the next several years.

The pioneering trader is none other than Todd Mitchell and today he just released a video that breaks down the current crisis for investors and tells you step by step how to start making money by reinvigorating an over 100 year old trading methodology that optimizes today's unusual market activity.

Instantly opt-in with your email and access Todd's video here. And don't worry, we respect your privacy 

Also as a nice bonus famous trader Doc Severson makes an appearance in the video as well. This video will only be available for the next few days so be sure to check it out.

Automatically opt-in to view the video by following this link >  "Hold onto your Stocks and Pay the Piper"

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