Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Precious Metals Life Cycle Nears an End – Final Stage of Denial

Today's post from our trading partner Chris Vermeulen.....

The life cycle of most things not matter what it is (living, product, service, ideas etc…) go through four stages and the stock market is no different. Those who recently gave in and bought gold, silver, mining stocks, coins will be enter this stage of the market in complete denial. They still think this is a pullback and a recover should be just around the corner.

Well the good news is a recovery bounce should be nearing, but if technical analysis, market sentiment and the stages theory are correct then a bounce is all it will be followed by years of lower prices and dormancy.

I really do hate to be a mega bear or mega bull on anything long term but the charts have painted a clear picture this year for precious metals and I want to share what I see. Take a look at the chart below which shows a typical investment life cycle using the four stage theory.

Read my entire article here > "The Four Stages Theory....Precious Metals Life Cycle Nears an End – Final Stage of Denial"

Enroll now for our “Spread Trading Strategies for Growing a Small Account” class this Saturday 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

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