Thursday, January 14, 2021

Review of our recent BAN trade in SILJ

After recently closing our SILJ BAN trade, I want to take this opportunity to dissect our trade, including the process of selecting the proper exit targets and protecting capital within a trade. The BAN Trader Pro strategy incorporates these same techniques automatically within the decision making process of generating signals and taking trades.

With our recent SILJ trade, we initiated the entry on the upside breakout in price on November 5, 2020 – near $15.50. This upside breakout move prompted a new BAN trade trigger with SILJ near the top of the BAN Hotlist, suggesting further upside trending would continue.

Of course, nothing ever happens 100% as expected... like the announcement of Pfizer's vaccine being 90% effective coming out only days after making the trade! The immediate downturn in price activity resulted in our SILJ trade staying below our entry price for more than 30 days. Read on to see how we still made money on the trade....Read More Here.

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