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Monday, April 28, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
The Cost of Code Red
By John Mauldin
(It is especially important to read the opening quotes this week. They set up the theme in the proper context.)
“There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.”
– Ludwig von Mises
“No very deep knowledge of economics is usually needed for grasping the immediate effects of a measure; but the task of economics is to foretell the remoter effects, and so to allow us to avoid such acts as attempt to remedy a present ill by sowing the seeds of a much greater ill for the future.”
– Ludwig von Mises
“[Central banks are at] serious risk of exhausting the policy room for manoeuver over time.”
– Jaime Caruana, General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements
“The gap between the models in the world of monetary policymaking is now wider than at any time since the 1930s.”
– Benjamin Friedman, William Joseph Maier Professor of Political Economy, Harvard
However, there is reason to believe that there have been major policy mistakes made by central banks – and will be more of them – that will lead to dislocations in the markets – all types of markets. And it’s not just the usual anti-central bank curmudgeon types (among whose number I have been counted, quite justifiably) who are worried. Sources within the central bank community are worried, too, which should give thoughtful observers of the market cause for concern.
Too often we as investors (and economists) are like the generals who are always fighting the last war. We look at bank balance sheets (except those of Europe and China), corporate balance sheets, sovereign bond spreads and yields, and say it isn’t likely that we will repeat this mistakes which led to 2008. And I smile and say, “You are absolutely right; we are not going to repeat those mistakes. We learned our lessons. Now we are going to make entirely new mistakes.” And while the root cause of the problems, then and now, may be the same – central bank policy – the outcome will be somewhat different. But a crisis by any other name will still be uncomfortable.
If you look at some of the recent statements from the Bank for International Settlements, you should come away with a view much more cautious than the optimistic one that is bandied about in the media today. In fact, to listen to the former chief economist of the BIS, we should all be quite worried.
I am of course referring to Bill White, who is one of my personal intellectual heroes. I hope to get to meet him someday. We have discussed some of his other papers, written in conjunction with the Dallas Federal Reserve, in past letters. He was clearly warning about imbalances and potential bubbles in 2007 and has generally been one of the most prescient observers of the global economy. The prestigious Swiss business newspaper Finanz und Wirtschaft did a far reaching interview with him a few weeks ago, and I’ve taken the liberty to excerpt pieces that I think are very important. The excerpts run a few pages, but this is really essential reading. (The article is by Mehr zum Thema, and you can read the full piece here.)
Speculative Bubbles
The headline for the interview is “I see speculative bubbles like in 2007.” As the interviewer rolls out the key questions, White warns of grave adverse effects of ultra loose monetary policy:
William White is worried. The former chief economist of the Bank for International Settlements is highly skeptical of the ultra-loose monetary policy that most central banks are still pursuing. “It all feels like 2007, with equity markets overvalued and spreads in the bond markets extremely thin,” he warns.
Mr. White, all the major central banks have been running expansive monetary policies for more than five years now. Have you ever experienced anything like this?
The honest truth is no one has ever seen anything like this. Not even during the Great Depression in the Thirties has monetary policy been this loose. And if you look at the details of what these central banks are doing, it’s all very experimental. They are making it up as they go along. I am very worried about any kind of policies that have that nature.
But didn’t the extreme circumstances after the collapse of Lehman Brothers warrant these extreme measures?
Yes, absolutely. After Lehman, many markets just seized up. Central bankers rightly tried to maintain the basic functioning of the system. That was good crisis management. But in my career I have always distinguished between crisis prevention, crisis management, and crisis resolution. Today, the Fed still acts as if it was in crisis management. But we’re six years past that. They are essentially doing more than what they did right in the beginning. There is something fundamentally wrong with that. Plus, the Fed has moved to a completely different motivation. From the attempt to get the markets going again, they suddenly and explicitly started to inflate asset prices again. The aim is to make people feel richer, make them spend more, and have it all trickle down to get the economy going again. Frankly, I don’t think it works, and I think this is extremely dangerous.
So, the first quantitative easing in November 2008 was warranted?
But they should have stopped these kinds of policies long ago?
Yes. But here’s the problem. When you talk about crisis resolution, it’s about attacking the fundamental problems that got you into the trouble in the first place. And the fundamental problem we are still facing is excessive debt. Not excessive public debt, mind you, but excessive debt in the private and public sectors. To resolve that, you need restructurings and write-offs. That’s government policy, not central bank policy. Central banks can’t rescue insolvent institutions. All around the western world, and I include Japan, governments have resolutely failed to see that they bear the responsibility to deal with the underlying problems. With the ultraloose monetary policy, governments have no incentive to act. But if we don’t deal with this now, we will be in worse shape than before.
But wouldn’t large-scale debt write-offs hurt the banking sector again?
Absolutely. But you see, we have a lot of zombie companies and banks out there. That’s a particular worry in Europe, where the banking sector is just a continuous story of denial, denial and denial. With interest rates so low, banks just keep ever-greening everything, pretending all the money is still there. But the more you do that, the more you keep the zombies alive, they pull down the healthy parts of the economy. When you have made bad investments, and the money is gone, it’s much better to write it off and get fifty percent than to pretend it’s still there and end up getting nothing. So yes, we need more debt reduction and more recapitalization of the banking system. This is called facing up to reality.
Where do you see the most acute negative effects of this monetary policy?
The first thing I would worry about are asset prices. Every asset price you could think of is in very odd territory. Equity prices are extremely high if you at valuation measures such as Tobin’s Q or a Shiller-type normalized P/E. Risk-free bond rates are at enormously low levels, spreads are very low, you have all these funny things like covenant-lite loans again. It all looks and feels like 2007.
And frankly, I think it’s worse than 2007, because then it was a problem of the developed economies. But in the past five years, all the emerging economies have imported our ultra low policy rates and have seen their debt levels rise. The emerging economies have morphed from being a part of the solution to being a part of the problem.
Do you see outright bubbles in financial markets?
Yes, I do. Investors try to attribute the rising stock markets to good fundamentals. But I don’t buy that. People are caught up in the momentum of all the liquidity that is provided by the central banks. This is a liquidity-driven thing, not based on fundamentals.
So are we mostly seeing what the Fed has been doing since 1987 – provide liquidity and pump markets up again?
Absolutely. We just saw the last chapter of that long history. This is the last of a whole series of bubbles that have been blown. In the past, monetary policy has always succeeded in pulling up the economy. But each time, the Fed had to act more vigorously to achieve its results. So, logically, at a certain point, it won’t work anymore. Then we’ll be in big trouble. And we will have wasted many years in which we could have been following better policies that would have maintained growth in much more sustainable ways. Now, to make you feel better, I said the same in 1998, and I was way too early.
What about the moral hazard of all this?
The fact of the matter is that if you have had 25 years of central bank and government bailout whenever there was a problem, and the bankers come to appreciate that fact, then we are back in a world where the banks get all the profits, while the government socializes all the losses. Then it just gets worse and worse. So, in terms of curbing the financial system, my own sense is that all of the stuff that has been done until now, while very useful, Basel III and all that, is not going to be sufficient to deal with the moral hazard problem. I would have liked to see a return to limited banking, a return to private ownership, a return to people going to prison when they do bad things. Moral hazard is a real issue.
Do you have any indication that the Yellen Fed will be different than the Greenspan and Bernanke Fed?
Not really. The one person in the FOMC that was kicking up a real fuss about asset bubbles was Governor Jeremy Stein. Unfortunately, he has gone back to Harvard.
The markets seem to assume that the tapering will run very smoothly, though. Volatility, as measured by the Vix index, is low.
Don’t forget that the Vix was at [a] record low in 2007. All that liquidity raises the asset prices and lowers the cost of insurance. I see at least three possible scenarios how this will all work out. One is: Maybe all this monetary stuff will work perfectly. I don’t think this is likely, but I could be wrong. I have been wrong so many times before. So if it works, the long bond rates can go up slowly and smoothly, and the financial system will adapt nicely. But even against the backdrop of strengthening growth, we could still see a disorderly reaction in financial markets, which would then feed back to destroy the economic recovery.
We are such a long way away from normal long term interest rates. Normal would be perhaps around four percent. Markets have a tendency to rush to the end point immediately. They overshoot. Keynes said in late Thirties that the long bond market could fluctuate at the wrong levels for decades. If fears of inflation suddenly re-appear, this can move interest rates quickly. Plus, there are other possible accidents. What about the fact that maybe most of the collateral you need for normal trading is all tied up now? What about the fact that the big investment dealers have got inventories that are 20 percent of what they were in 2007? When things start to move, the inventory for the market makers might not be there. That’s a particular worry in fields like corporate bonds, which can be quite illiquid to begin with. I’ve met so many people who are in the markets, thinking they are absolutely brilliantly smart, thinking they can get out in the right time. The problem is, they all think that. And when everyone races for the exit at the same time, we will have big problems. I’m not saying all of this will happen, but reasonable people should think about what could go wrong, even against a backdrop of faster growth.
And what is the third scenario?
The strengthening growth might be a mirage. And if it does not materialize, all those elevated prices will be way out of line of fundamentals.
Which of the major central banks runs the highest risk of something going seriously wrong?
At the moment what I am most worried about is Japan. I know there is an expression that the Japanese bond market is called the widowmaker. People have bet against it and lost money. The reason I worry now is that they are much further down the line even than the Americans. What is Abenomics really? As far as I see it, they print the money and tell people that there will be high inflation. But I don’t think it will work. The Japanese consumer will say prices are going up, but my wages won’t. Because they haven’t for years. So I am confronted with a real wage loss, and I have to hunker down. At the same time, financial markets might suddenly not want to hold Japanese Government Bonds anymore with a perspective of 2 percent inflation. This will end up being a double whammy, and Japan will just drop back into deflation. And now happens what Professor Peter Bernholz wrote in his latest book. Now we have a stagnating Japanese economy, tax revenues dropping like a stone, the deficit already at eight percent of GDP, debt at more than 200 percent and counting. I have no difficulty in seeing this thing tipping overnight into hyperinflation. If you go back into history, a lot of hyperinflations started with deflation.
Many people have warned of inflation in the past five years, but nothing has materialized. Isn’t the fear of inflation simply overblown?
One reason we don’t see inflation is because monetary policy is not working. The signals are not getting through. Consumers and corporates are not responding to the signals. We still have a disinflationary gap. There has been a huge increase in base money, but it has not translated into an increase in broader aggregates. And in Europe, the money supply is still shrinking. My worry is that at some point, people will look at this situation and lose confidence that stability will be maintained. If they do and they do start to fear inflation, that change in expectations can have very rapid effects.
The Bank for International Settlements is known as the “central bankers’ central bank.” It hosts a meeting once a month for all the major central bankers to get together for an extravagant dinner and candid conversation. Surprisingly, there has been no tell-all book about these meetings by some retiring central banker. They take the code of “omertà ” (embed) seriously.
Jaime Caruana, the General Manager of the BIS, recently stated that monetary institutions (central banks) are at “serious risk of exhausting the policy room for manoeuver over time.” He followed that statement with a very serious speech at the Harvard Kennedy School two weeks ago. Here is the abstract of the speech (emphasis mine):
This speech contrasts two explanatory views of what he characterizes as “the sluggish and uneven recovery from the global financial crisis of 2008-09.” One view points to a persistent shortfall of demand and the other to the specificities of a financial cycle-induced recession – the “shortfall of demand” vs. the “balance sheet” view. The speech summarizes each diagnosis [and]… then reviews evidence bearing on the two views and contrasts the policy prescriptions to be inferred from each view. The speech concludes that the balance sheet view provides a better overarching explanation of events. In terms of policy, the implication is that there has been too much emphasis since the crisis on stimulating demand and not enough on balance sheet repair and structural reforms to boost productivity. Looking forward, policy frameworks need to ensure that policies are more symmetrical over the financial cycle, so as to avoid the risks of entrenching instability and eventually running out of policy ammunition.
How Does the Economy Adjust to Asset Purchases?
In 2011 the Bank of England gave us a paper outlining what they expected to be the consequences of quantitative easing. Note that in the chart below they predict exactly what we have seen. Real (inflation-adjusted) asset prices rise in the initial phase. Nominal demand rises slowly, and there is a lagging effect on real GDP. But note what happens when a central bank begins to flatten out its asset purchases or what is called “broad money” in the graph: real asset prices begin to fall rather precipitously, and consumer price levels rise. I must confess that I look at the graph and scratch my head and go, “I can understand why you might want the first phase, but what in the name of the wide, wide world of sports are you going to do for policy adjustment in the second phase?” Clearly the central bankers thought this QE thing was a good idea, but from my seat in the back of the plane it seems like they are expecting a rather bumpy ride at some point in the future.

Let’s go to the quote in the BoE paper that explains this graph (emphasis mine):
The overall effect of asset purchases on the macroeconomy can be broken down into two stages: an initial ‘impact’ phase and an ‘adjustment’ phase, during which the stimulus from asset purchases works through the economy, as illustrated in Chart 1. As discussed above, in the impact phase, asset purchases change the composition of the portfolios held by the private sector, increasing holdings of broad money and decreasing those of medium and long-term gilts. But because gilts [gilts is the English term for bonds] and money are imperfect substitutes, this creates an initial imbalance. As asset portfolios are rebalanced, asset prices are bid up until equilibrium in money and asset markets is restored. This is reinforced by the signalling channel and the other effects of asset purchases already discussed, which may also act to raise asset prices. Through lower borrowing costs and higher wealth, asset prices then raise demand, which acts to push up the consumer price level.
In the adjustment phase, rising consumer and asset prices raise the demand for money balances and the supply of long-term assets. So the initial imbalance in money and asset markets shrinks, and real asset prices begin to fall back. The boost to demand therefore diminishes and the price level continues to increase but by smaller amounts. The whole process continues until the price level has risen sufficiently to restore real money balances, real asset prices and real output to their equilibrium levels. Thus, from a position of deficient demand, asset purchases should accelerate the return of the economy to equilibrium.

I hope you get the main idea, because understanding this dynamic is absolutely critical for navigating what the Chairman of the South African Reserve Bank, Gill Marcus, is calling the next phase of the global financial crisis. Every asset price (yes, even and especially in emerging markets) that has been driven higher by unnaturally low interest rates, quantitative easing, and forward guidance must eventually fall back to earth as real interest rates eventually normalize.
Trickle-Down Monetary Policy
For all intents and purposes we have adopted a trickle-down monetary policy, one which manifestly does not work and has served only to enrich financial institutions and the already wealthy. Now I admit that I benefit from that, but it’s a false type of enrichment, since it has come at the expense of the general economy, which is where true wealth is created. I would rather have my business and investments based on something more stably productive, thank you very much.
Monetary policies implemented by central banks around the world are beginning to diverge in a major way. And don’t look now, but that sort of divergence almost always spells disaster for all or part of the global economy. Which is why Indian Central Bank Governor Rajan is pounding the table for more coordinated policies. He can see what is going to happen to cross-border capital flows and doesn’t appreciate being caught in the middle of the field of fire with hardly more than a small pistol to defend himself. And the central banks even smaller than his are bringing only a knife to the gunfight.

The Fed & BoE Are Heading for the Exits…
In the United States, Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen is clearly signaling her interest – if not outright intent – to turn the Fed’s steady $10 billion “tapering” of its $55 billion/month quantitative easing program into a more formal exit strategy. The Fed is still actively expanding its balance sheet, but by a smaller amount after every FOMC meeting (so far)… and global markets are already nervously anticipating any move to sell QE-era assets or explicitly raise rates. Just like China’s slowdown (which we have written about extensively), the Fed’s eventual exit will be a global event with major implications for the rest of the world. And US rate normalization could drastically disrupt cross-border real interest rate differentials and trigger the strongest wave of emerging-market balance of payments crises since the 1930s.
In the United Kingdom, Bank of England Governor Mark Carney is carefully broadcasting his intent to hike rates before selling QE-era assets. According to his view, financial markets tend to respond rather mechanically to rate hikes, but unwinding the BoE’s bloated balance sheet could trigger a series of unintended and potentially destructive consequences. Delaying those asset sales indefinitely and leaning on rate targeting once more allows him to guide the BoE toward tightening without giving up the ability to rapidly reverse course if financial markets freeze. Then again, Carney may be making a massive, credibility-cracking mistake.

While the BoJ & ECB Are Just Getting Started
In Japan, Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda is resisting the equity market’s call for additional asset purchases as the Abe administration implements its national sales tax increase – precisely the same mistake that triggered Japan’s 1997 recession. As I have written repeatedly, Japan is the most leveraged government in the world, with a government debt-to-GDP ratio of more than 240%. Against the backdrop of a roughly $6 trillion economy, Japan needs to inflate away something like 150% to 200% of its current debt-to-GDP… that’s roughly $9 trillion to $12 trillion in today’s dollars.
Think about that for a moment. At some point I need to do a whole letter on this, but I seriously believe the Bank of Japan will print something on the order of $8 trillion (give or take) over the next six to ten years. In relative terms, this is the equivalent of the US Federal Reserve printing $32 trillion. To think this will have no impact on the world is simply to ignore how capital flows work. Japan is a seriously large economy with a seriously powerful central bank. This is not Greece or Argentina. This is going to do some damage.
I have no idea whether Japan’s BANG! moment is just around the corner or still several years off, but rest assured that Governor Kuroda and his colleagues at the Bank of Japan will respond to economic weakness with more… and more… and more easing over the coming years.
In the euro area, European Central Bank Chairman Mario Draghi – with unexpected support from his two voting colleagues from the German Bundesbank – is finally signaling that more quantitative easing may be on the way to lower painfully high exchange rates that constrain competitiveness and to raise worryingly low inflation rates that can precipitate a debt crisis by steepening debt-growth trajectories. This QE will be disguised under the rubric of fighting inflation, and all sorts of other euphemisms will be applied to it, but at the end of the day, Europe will have joined in an outright global currency war.
I don’t expect the Japanese and Europeans to engage in modest quantitative easing. Both central banks are getting ready to hit the panic button in response to too low inflation, steepening debt trajectories, and inconveniently strong exchange rates.
While the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, Swiss National Bank, Bank of England, and Bank of Japan have collectively grown their balance sheets to roughly $9 trillion today, the next wave of asset purchases could more than double that balance in relatively quick order.
This is what I mean by Code Red: frantic pounding on the central bank panic button that invites tit-for-tat retaliation around the world and especially by emerging-market central banks, leading to a DOUBLING of the assets shown in the chart below and a race to the bottom, as the “guardians” of the world’s primary currencies become their executioners.

The opportunity for a significant policy mistake from a major central bank is higher today than ever. I share Bill White’s concern about Japan. I worry about China and seriously hope they can keep their deleveraging and rebalancing under control, although I doubt that many parts of the world are ready for a China that only grows at 3 to 4% for the next five years. That will cause a serious adjustment in many business and government models.
It is time to hit the send button, but let me close with the point that was made graphically in the Bank of England’s chart back in the middle of the letter. Once central bank asset purchases cease, the BoE expects real asset prices to fall… a lot. You will notice that there is no scale on the vertical axis and no timeline along the bottom of the chart. No one really knows the timing. My friend Doug Kass has an interview (subscribers only) in Barron’s this week, talking about how to handle what he sees as a bubble.
“Sell in May and go away” might be a very good adage to remember.
Amsterdam, Brussels, Geneva, San Diego, Rome, and Tuscany
I leave Tuesday night for Amsterdam to speak on Thursday afternoon for VBA Beleggingsprofessionals. There will be a debate-style format around the theme of “Are there any safe havens left in this volatile world?” I plan to write my letter from Amsterdam on Friday and then play tourist on Saturday in that delightful city full of wonderful museums. Then, if all goes well, I will rent a car and take a leisurely drive to Brussels through the countryside, something I have always wanted to do. I may try to get lost, at least for a few hours. Who knows what you might stumble on?
I will be speaking Monday night in Brussels for my good friend Geert Wellens of Econopolis Wealth Management before we fly to Geneva for another speech with his firm, and of course there will be the usual meetings with clients and friends. I find Geneva the most irrationally expensive city I travel to, and the current exchange rates don’t suggest I will find anything different this time.
I come back for a few days before heading to San Diego and my Strategic Investment Conference, cosponsored with Altegris. I have spent time with each of the speakers over the last few weeks, going over their topics, and I have to tell you, I am like a kid in a candy store, about as excited as I can get. This is going to be one incredible conference. You really want to make an effort to get there, but if you can’t, be sure to listen to the audio CDs. You can get a discounted rate by purchasing prior to the conference.
The Dallas weather may be an analogy for the current economic environment. To look out my window is to see nothing but blue sky with puffy little clouds, and the temperature is perfect. My good friend and business partner Darrell Cain will be arriving in a little bit for a late lunch. We’ll go somewhere and sit outside and then move on to an early Dallas Mavericks game against the San Antonio Spurs. Contrary to expectations, the Mavs actually trounced the Spurs down in San Antonio last week. Of course the local fans would like to see that trend continue, but I would not encourage my readers to place any bets on the Mavericks’ winning the current playoff series.
I live only a few blocks from American Airlines Center, and so normally on such a beautiful day we would leisurely walk to the game. But the local weather aficionados are warning us that while we are at the game tornadoes and hail may appear, along with the attendant severe thunderstorms. That kind of thing can happen in Texas. Then again, it could all blow south of here. That sort of thing also happens.
So when I warn people of an impending potential central bank policy mistake, which would be the economic equivalent of tornadoes and hail storms, I also have to acknowledge that the whole thing could blow away and miss us entirely. I think someone once said that the role of economists is to make weathermen look good. Recently, 67 out of 67 economists said they expect interest rates to rise this year. We’ll review that prediction at the end of the year.
I’ve been interrupted while trying to finish this letter by daughter Tiffani, who is frantically trying to figure out how to buy tickets to get us to Italy (Tuscany) for the first part of June for a little vacation (along with a few friends who will be visiting). I am going to take advantage of being in Rome at the end of that trip, in order to spend a few days with my friend Christian Menegatti, the managing director of research for Roubini Global Economics. We will spend June 16-17 visiting with local businessmen, economists, central bankers, and politicians. Or that’s the plan. If you’d like to be part of that visit, drop me a note.
Finally I should note that my Canadian partners, Nicola Wealth Management, are opening a new office in Toronto. They will be having a special event there on May 8. If you’re in the area, you may want to check it out.
Have a great week, and make sure you take a little time to enjoy life. Avoid tornadoes.
Your hoping for a major upset analyst,
John Mauldin, Editor
Mauldin Economics
Mauldin Economics
The article Thoughts from the Frontline: The Cost of Code Red was originally published at Mauldin Economics
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Friday, April 25, 2014
Putin’s Secret Weapon – How Russia Could Take Down America Without Firing a Single Shot
By Casey Research
Here’s a startling fact most investors have never heard: During the last financial meltdown in 2008, when the U.S. economy was on the brink, Russian leaders met with China to persuade them to dump the dollar – and destroy the world’s reserve currency.Before they could act, the Fed pumped over $700 billion into the economy and delayed their day of reckoning. Still, the threat remains. China holds over $1.2 trillion in U.S. debt today. And with their Russian allies, they could drop the dollar at any moment. This excerpt from our eye opening documentary called “Meltdown America” explains the severity of this imminent threat:
For the full story and to learn more about what could be “the early stages of the end of the West,” click here to watch the full version of this documentary.
You’ll hear the harrowing and true stories of three people who survived economic and political collapse in Zimbabwe, Yugoslavia, and Argentina… and discover how their powerful stories of hardship foreshadow what's happening in the U.S.
Click here to watch this full-length documentary right now – it’s FREE!
The article Putin’s Secret Weapon – How Russia Could Take Down America Without Firing a Single Shot was originally published at Casey Research
Thursday, April 24, 2014
The Rise of the Trading Machines…. HFT vs. Me, You and John Carter
Today our trading partner John Carter of Simpler Trading poses this important question to us. Do we have the tools to trade in the face of high frequency trading and the “Rise of the High Frequency Trading Machines”.
It’s no secret that all us [that’s me, you and John] are at a huge disadvantage 100% of the time compared to the high frequency traders, the HFT. So what do we do to trade against the HFT, where do we start?
We start right here by checking out John’s great new free video that gives us some of the best examples we have seen yet on how they, the HFT, do this do us. And thanks to John you and I are not in this alone.
Just Click Here to Watch John’s New Video
Here’s a sample of what John has learned……
• How to protect himself against high frequency traders
• How to take advantage of what high frequency traders are doing
• How to “get in front of” the high frequency traders
Watch the video today then prepare yourself to jump into the nuances of trading against the “Rise of the High Frequency Trading Machines” with John next Tuesday and two free webinars.
Here is what we’ll cover on Tuesday……
• How HFT firms are causing you to lose money trading
• How they front run your orders to catch a move without you
• Why individual investors are at a disadvantage
• How HFT sees what’s happening in the market before you do
• Why HFT firms have a competitive advantage
• How HFT firms are making billions by pickpocketing you
Just pick which webinar and time works best for you…..Register Now!
Tuesday April 29th - 1 p.m. eastern time
Tuesday April 29th - 8 p.m. eastern time
Get your seat now, because as you probably already know, all of John’s free webinars fill up well before the day of the presentation. Sign up today then make sure to log on 10-15 minutes early on Tuesday to guarantee you keep your seat.
Until then we’ll see you in the market!
The Gold ETF Trader
Just click here to check out John’s wildly popular book “Mastering the Trade” on Amazon.com
It’s no secret that all us [that’s me, you and John] are at a huge disadvantage 100% of the time compared to the high frequency traders, the HFT. So what do we do to trade against the HFT, where do we start?
We start right here by checking out John’s great new free video that gives us some of the best examples we have seen yet on how they, the HFT, do this do us. And thanks to John you and I are not in this alone.
Just Click Here to Watch John’s New Video
Here’s a sample of what John has learned……
• How to protect himself against high frequency traders
• How to take advantage of what high frequency traders are doing
• How to “get in front of” the high frequency traders
Watch the video today then prepare yourself to jump into the nuances of trading against the “Rise of the High Frequency Trading Machines” with John next Tuesday and two free webinars.
Here is what we’ll cover on Tuesday……
• How HFT firms are causing you to lose money trading
• How they front run your orders to catch a move without you
• Why individual investors are at a disadvantage
• How HFT sees what’s happening in the market before you do
• Why HFT firms have a competitive advantage
• How HFT firms are making billions by pickpocketing you
Just pick which webinar and time works best for you…..Register Now!
Tuesday April 29th - 1 p.m. eastern time
Tuesday April 29th - 8 p.m. eastern time
Get your seat now, because as you probably already know, all of John’s free webinars fill up well before the day of the presentation. Sign up today then make sure to log on 10-15 minutes early on Tuesday to guarantee you keep your seat.
Until then we’ll see you in the market!
The Gold ETF Trader
Just click here to check out John’s wildly popular book “Mastering the Trade” on Amazon.com
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Precious Metals Market Summary for Wednesday April 23rd
June gold futures closed up $2.90 an ounce at $1,283.90 today. Prices closed near mid range in quieter trading today. Bears have the near term technical advantage as prices Tuesday hit a nine week low. A six week old downtrend line is also in place on the daily bar chart.
May silver futures closed up $0.059 an ounce at $19.42 today. Prices closed nearer the session low today in quieter trading. Prices are hovering near an 11 week low. The bears have the solid overall near term technical advantage. Prices are in a two month old downtrend on the daily bar chart.
May N.Y. copper closed up 90 points at 306.25 cents today. Prices closed near the session high on more short covering. Bears still have the slight overall near term technical advantage.
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May silver futures closed up $0.059 an ounce at $19.42 today. Prices closed nearer the session low today in quieter trading. Prices are hovering near an 11 week low. The bears have the solid overall near term technical advantage. Prices are in a two month old downtrend on the daily bar chart.
May N.Y. copper closed up 90 points at 306.25 cents today. Prices closed near the session high on more short covering. Bears still have the slight overall near term technical advantage.
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A Crisis vs. THE Crisis: Keep Your Eye on the Ball
By Laurynas Vegys, Research Analyst
Today I want to talk about crises. Two of the most notable ones that have been in the public eye over the course of the past 6-8 months are obviously the conflicts in Ukraine and Syria. The two are very different, yet both seemed to cause rallies in the gold market.I say “seemed” because, while there were days when the headlines from either country sure looked to kick gold up a notch, there were also relevant and alarming reports from Argentina and emerging markets like China during many of the same time periods. Nevertheless, looking at the impressive gains during these periods, one has to wonder if it actually takes a calamity for gold to soar.
If so, can the yellow metal still return to and beat its prior highs, absent a major political crisis or a full blown military conflict? My answer: Who needs a new crisis when we live in an ongoing one every day?
More on this in a moment. Let’s first have a quick look at what happened in Ukraine and Syria as relates to the price of gold. Here’s a quick look at the timeline of some of the major events from the Ukrainian crisis, followed by the same for Syria.
There seems to be a fairly clear pattern in both of these charts. Gold seems to rise in the anticipation of a conflict; once the conflict gets going, or turns out not as bad as feared, however, it sells off.
We see, for example, that as the news broke that chemical weapons were being used in Syria and Obama was threatening to intervene, gold moved up. But when the US did not wade into the bloodshed and Putin proposed his diplomatic solution, gold slid into a protracted sell off, ending up lower than where it began.
It’s impossible to say with any degree of certainty how much of gold’s recent rise was due to anticipation of the Ukraine/Crimea crisis, but there were certainly days when gold seemed to move sharply in response to news of escalation in the conflict. And again, after it became clear that the U.S. and EU would do little more than condemn Russia’s actions with words, gold retreated. As of this writing, it’s down about $85 from its high a little over a month ago. (We think many investors underestimate the potential impact of tit-for-tat sanctions, but they are not wrong to breathe a sigh of relief that a war of bullets didn’t start between East and West.)
In sum, to the degree that global crisis headlines do impact the price of gold, the effects are short-lived. Unless they lead directly to consequences of long-term significance, these fluctuations may capture the attention of day traders, but are little more than distractions for serious gold investors betting on the fundamentals.
You have to keep your eye on the ball.
The REAL Crisis Brewing
Major financial, economic, or political trends—the kind we like to base our speculations upon—don’t normally appear as full-fledged disasters overnight. In fact, quite the opposite; they tend to lurk, linger, and brew in stealth mode until a boiling point is finally reached, and then they erupt into full-blown crises (to the surprise and detriment of the unprepared).
Fortunately, the signs are always there… for those with the courage and independence of mind to take heed.
So what are the signs telling us today—what’s the real ball we need to keep our eyes upon, if not the distracting swarm of potential black swans?
The big-league trend destined for some sort of major cataclysmic endgame that will impact everyone stems from government fiscal policy: profligate spending, leading to debt crisis, leading to currency crisis, leading to a currency regime change. And not in Timbuktu—we’re talking about the coming fall of the US dollar.
The first parts of this progression are already in place. Consider this long-term chart of US debt.
Notice that government debt was practically nonexistent halfway through the 20th century, but has seen a dramatic increase with the expansion of federal government spending.
Consider this astounding fact: The government has accumulated more debt during the Obama administration than it did from the time George Washington took office to Bill Clinton’s election in 1992. Total US government debt at the end of 2013 exceeded $16 trillion.
Let’s put that in perspective, since today’s dollars don’t buy what a nickel did a hundred years ago.
Except for the period of World War II and its immediate aftermath, never before has the US government been this deep in debt. Having recently surpassed the threshold of 100% debt to GDP, America has crossed into uncharted territory, getting in line with the likes of…....
- Japan, “leading” the world with a 242% debt-to-GDP ratio
- Greece: 174%
- Italy: 133%
- Portugal: 125%
- Ireland: 117%
Granted, the politicians and bureaucrats say they will slow this runaway train, but we’re not talking about Fed tapering here. Congress will have to embrace the pain of living within its means. We’ll believe that when we see it.
But let’s take a more conservative, 10 year average growth rate (an arbitrary standard many analysts use): 5.3%. At this rate, the US will still be deeper in debt than Ireland and Portugal in 2017, Italy in 2019, Greece in 2024, and Japan in 2030.
Either way, this is still THE crisis of our times; all of the countries mentioned above are undergoing excruciating economic and social pain. It’s no stretch to imagine the kind of social and political turmoil that has resulted from the European debt crisis coming to Main Street USA, as American debt goes off the charts.
It’s also important to understand that the debt charted above excludes state and local debt, as well as the unfunded liabilities of social entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare.
This ever-growing mountain—volcano—of government debt is a long-term, systemic, and extremely-difficult-to-alter trend. Unlike the crises in Ukraine and Syria (at least, so far), it’s here to stay for the foreseeable future. While some investors have grown accustomed to this government created phenomenon and no longer regard it as dangerous as outright military conflict, make no mistake—in the mid to long term, it’s just as dangerous to your wealth and standard of living.
Still think it can’t happen here? To fully understand how stealthily a crisis can sneak up on you, watch Casey Research’s eye opening documentary, Meltdown America.
The article A Crisis vs. THE Crisis: Keep Your Eye on the Ball was originally published at Casey Research
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Friday, April 18, 2014
How to Momentum Trade Gold & Silver Stocks
Back on April 9th I posted a short tutorial on how to momentum trade gold along with my short term gold forecast.
1. I had lots of great feedback from traders taking advantage of what I showed to profit in the past week.
2. To show you how and why this strategy works better with gold stocks and silver stocks.
3. To provide my short term gold forecast so you are on the right side of the market for next week.
4. Also you should see my major long term Gold Forecast
See you in the markets!
Chris Vermeulen
Sign up for one of our Free Trading Webinars....Just Click Here!
Today I wanted to do a follow up video for my gold market traders for three reasons:
1. I had lots of great feedback from traders taking advantage of what I showed to profit in the past week.
2. To show you how and why this strategy works better with gold stocks and silver stocks.
3. To provide my short term gold forecast so you are on the right side of the market for next week.
4. Also you should see my major long term Gold Forecast
Get my gold forecast and gold trade alerts at The Gold & Oil Guy
See you in the markets!
Chris Vermeulen
Sign up for one of our Free Trading Webinars....Just Click Here!
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Gold Forecast – This Is Going To Be Exciting
Gold Forecast: During the past year there has been very little talk about gold, silver or gold stocks in the media. Yet the year before it was all the media could talk about and they even had the price of gold streaming live all day in the corner of the TV monitor.
I am always amazed how the masses and media can be so off in their timing of the stock market and commodities in general. For example when Greece was having issues in 2012 and everyone was avoiding investments in that country like it was the plague. Looking back now, Greece is up huge and only recently investors are confident enough to put money into the Greek stock market again.
But the truth is that big move has already happend, and the US and global markets are in rotation (changing trends). Money is slowly shifting from what has been hot during the past year or two, to new investments which have a lot more room to rise in value. And this is leads us back to my gold forecast.
If you are at all familiar with Stan Weinstein’s work, then you understand the four market stages. If not, you can learn these four stages on my Stan Weinstein page. Through stage analysis we can predict the type of price action we should expected and have a rough idea just how long a move (new trend) is likely to last. It is important to know that Stan Weinstein’s stage analysis works on any time frame from a one minute chart to a monthly chart. If you do not know this then you are trading almost blind without a doubt.
Current stage analysis looks as though the US stock market may be starting to form a stage three top. There are several indicators and market behaviors which are screaming, telling us to trade with caution to the long side. But the masses do not see this or hear what is unfolding in front of their very own eyes, and that I fine. It actually reminds me of a funny old movie called “hear no evil, see no evil”.
In short, the market is showing some signs of distribution selling in stocks, and the once market leaders are now getting completely crushed with heavy selling volume like the biotech stocks, social media stocks and other momentum stocks and this is bad.
Gold on the other had has been forming a stage one basing pattern. This provides a very bullish long term gold forecast that investors could ride for several years.
2. Bullish gold forecasts by the media have dropped substantially, meaning everyone is bearish on gold.
3. Gold stocks are already showing signs of massive accumulation. I always use the price and volume action of gold stocks to help create and time my gold forecasts which it starting to look bullish.
See you in the markets!
Chris Vermeulen
Check out Doug Casey’s Coming Super Bubble
I am always amazed how the masses and media can be so off in their timing of the stock market and commodities in general. For example when Greece was having issues in 2012 and everyone was avoiding investments in that country like it was the plague. Looking back now, Greece is up huge and only recently investors are confident enough to put money into the Greek stock market again.
But the truth is that big move has already happend, and the US and global markets are in rotation (changing trends). Money is slowly shifting from what has been hot during the past year or two, to new investments which have a lot more room to rise in value. And this is leads us back to my gold forecast.
If you are at all familiar with Stan Weinstein’s work, then you understand the four market stages. If not, you can learn these four stages on my Stan Weinstein page. Through stage analysis we can predict the type of price action we should expected and have a rough idea just how long a move (new trend) is likely to last. It is important to know that Stan Weinstein’s stage analysis works on any time frame from a one minute chart to a monthly chart. If you do not know this then you are trading almost blind without a doubt.
Current stage analysis looks as though the US stock market may be starting to form a stage three top. There are several indicators and market behaviors which are screaming, telling us to trade with caution to the long side. But the masses do not see this or hear what is unfolding in front of their very own eyes, and that I fine. It actually reminds me of a funny old movie called “hear no evil, see no evil”.
In short, the market is showing some signs of distribution selling in stocks, and the once market leaders are now getting completely crushed with heavy selling volume like the biotech stocks, social media stocks and other momentum stocks and this is bad.
Gold on the other had has been forming a stage one basing pattern. This provides a very bullish long term gold forecast that investors could ride for several years.
Q: Where Will Investment Capital Go During The Next Bear Market In stocks?
A: One of the places will be precious metals. Click here for my gold forecast which shows the main reason why
Gold Forecast Coles Notes:
1. The U.S. dollar index has setup a massive stage 3 topping pattern on the weekly chart. A falling dollar will send the price of gold higher naturally.
2. Bullish gold forecasts by the media have dropped substantially, meaning everyone is bearish on gold.
3. Gold stocks are already showing signs of massive accumulation. I always use the price and volume action of gold stocks to help create and time my gold forecasts which it starting to look bullish.
Gold Forecast Conclusion:
Gold market traders should understand that precious metals in general are still months away from breaking out to the upside and starting a new bull market. Do not be in a rush to buy gold or gold stocks yet. There will be plenty of time folks.
See you in the markets!
Chris Vermeulen
Get My Daily Video Gold Forecast & Gold Trading Alerts at The Gold & Oil Guy
Check out Doug Casey’s Coming Super Bubble
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Doug Casey’s Coming Super Bubble
By Louis James, Chief Metals & Mining Investment Strategist
In many of my conversations with legendary speculator Doug Casey since the crash of 2008, Doug has talked about a coming super bubble.Everything Doug has studied about human nature, history, and economics—from Roman times right up to the present—has him absolutely convinced that the global economy is headed for high inflation, with a very real potential for hyperinflation in the US.
Ben Bernanke's panicked deployment of squadrons of cash-laden choppers has been emulated around the world. The Bank of International Settlements estimates that global debt markets now exceed $100 trillion.
The laws of economics—maybe even physics—say that this inflation, whenever it arrives, must have consequences… and that those consequences cannot be avoided forever.
The easiest consequence to predict, and the one we're betting heavily on, is that the price of gold will move higher. Much higher. That move will in turn ignite a bubble in gold stocks and, as Doug likes to say, a super-bubble in junior gold stocks.
Jeff Clark, editor of our BIG GOLD newsletter, recently illustrated what such a super-bubble can look like, citing figures from several historic bull markets. I hesitate to repeat any of his figures because the right junior stocks' gains when the market goes bubbly are, frankly, hard to believe. However, it is a fact that quite a few junior stocks achieved the much vaunted 10 bagger status (1,000% gains) in previous bubbles, and some even returned 100 fold.
Here’s the essential reason why junior mining stocks are Doug's favorite speculations.
Let's start at the beginning: Doug's mantra is that one should buy gold for prudence and gold stocks for profit. These are very different kinds of asset deployment.
It's particularly important not to think of gold as an investment, but as wealth protection. It's the only highly liquid financial asset that is not simultaneously someone else's liability. Every ounce of gold you physically possess is value in solid form—there is no short to your long. Come hell or high water, it is value you can liquidate and use to secure your needs. That's why gold is for prudence.
Gold stocks are for speculation because they offer leverage to gold. This is actually true of all mining stocks and, more broadly, of stocks in commodity-related companies; they all tend to magnify the price movements in the underlying commodity. But the phenomenon is especially strong in the highly volatile precious metals.
Allow me to illustrate—and in an effort to avoid seeming overly promotional, I'll show how gold stocks' leverage works on the downside as well as the upside. Bad news first: here's a chart showing how gold retreated during October and November of 2008, the worst two months of that year's crash for mining stocks. Also shown are an index of gold juniors and our own portfolio performance. This was, of course, a terrific time to buy, resulting in spectacular gains over the next two years.
Now the good news: here's a chart showing the performance of the same three things in January and February of this year, which saw a major rally in the gold sector.
This third chart shows in one simple yet powerful way exactly why Doug loves buying these stocks when they're on sale and selling them when they go into bubble mode. ATAC essentially did nothing and still shot up over an order of magnitude more than gold. Note that while this third chart looks like the second, the scales are quite different. (ATAC, by the way, is part of my special report, 10 Bagger List for 2014, that details nine companies I believe could show 1,000% or more returns this year. Note that the report was written before the big move upward you see in the chart above.)
It's worth emphasizing that ATAC's performance this year is just on a rebound from recent lows—imagine what a stock like this could do when Doug's super-bubble for gold stocks arrives.
But what if it doesn't? Or worse—what if we already missed it?
I remember a conversation with Doug back in 2011, when gold rose to within reach of $2,000 per ounce. Many mainstream analysts said gold was in a bubble. I told Doug I couldn't understand why anyone would listen to analysts who've called the gold trend wrong every year since the current bull cycle started. I remember Doug chuckling and saying: "Just wait and see—this is barely an overture."
I am certain Doug is right. That's not because he's the guru, nor because I'm a nutty gold bug, but because no government in history has ever multiplied its currency base without sparking serious and often fatal inflation. That's a fact, not an opinion, backed by enough data to make me extremely confident in predicting what lies ahead for the US dollar, even if I can't say exactly when we'll reach the tipping point.
Since that 2011 interim peak, as we all know painfully well, gold has backed off on par with the correction in the middle of the great 1970s gold bull market. But economic realities require that the market turn around and head for his long predicted super bubble in junior mining stocks before too long. That makes the correction the last, best time to build a substantial position in the stocks best positioned to profit from the coming bubble.
And now Doug is saying that he believes the upturn is at hand. He expects a steadily rising market for a year or two, perhaps more, but not many more, culminating in a market mania for the record books.
Our market does appear to have bottomed. It may take a while to go into its mania phase, but it's already heating up. No one is going to want to be short when this train leaves the station—and the conductor has blown the whistle.
To find out what you could be missing if you don’t invest in junior mining stocks right now, watch Casey Research’s recent video event, Upturn Millionaires—How to Play the Turning Tides in the Precious Metals Market. With resource and investment experts Doug Casey, Frank Giustra, Rick Rule, Porter Stansberry, Ross Beaty, John Mauldin, Marin Katusa, and myself. Watch it here for free, or click here to find out more about my 10 Bagger List for 2014.
The article Doug Casey’s Coming Super Bubble was originally published at Casey Research
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Monday, April 14, 2014
Precious Metals Market Summary for Monday April 14th
April gold closed higher on Monday as it extends this month's rally. The high range close sets the stage for a steady to higher opening when Tuesday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are neutral to bullish signaling that sideways to higher prices are possible near term. If April extends this month's rally, the reaction high crossing at 1343.00 is the next upside target. Closes below the 10 day moving average 1303.60 would confirm that a short term top has been posted. First resistance is today's high crossing at 1330.00. Second resistance is the reaction high crossing at 1343.00. First support is the 10 day moving average 1303.60. Second support is April's low crossing at 1277.30.
May silver closed higher on Monday. The mid range close set the stage for a steady opening when Tuesday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are neutral to bullish hinting that a low might be in or is near. Closes above last Thursday's high crossing at 20.400 would confirm that a short term low has been posted. If May renews the decline off February's high, the 87% retracement level of the January-February rally crossing at 19.233 is the next downside target. First resistance is last Thusday's high crossing at 20.400. Second resistance is the reaction high crossing at 21.795. First support is the 75% retracement level of the January-February rally crossing at 19.647. Second support is the 87% retracement level of the January-February rally crossing at 19.233.
May copper closed lower on Monday. The low range close sets the stage for a steady to lower opening when Tuesday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are turning bearish signaling that a short term top might be in or is near. Closes below the 20 day moving average crossing at 300.89 would confirm that a short term low has been posted. If May extends the rally off March's low, the 50% retracement level of the December-March decline crossing at 314.55 is the next upside target. First resistance is is the 38% retracement level of the December-March decline crossing at 308.20. Second resistance is the 50% retracement level of the December-March decline crossing at 314.55. First support is the 20 day moving average crossing at 300.89. Second support is March's low crossing at 287.70.
Is the Correction on? It's Meltdown American Style!
May silver closed higher on Monday. The mid range close set the stage for a steady opening when Tuesday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are neutral to bullish hinting that a low might be in or is near. Closes above last Thursday's high crossing at 20.400 would confirm that a short term low has been posted. If May renews the decline off February's high, the 87% retracement level of the January-February rally crossing at 19.233 is the next downside target. First resistance is last Thusday's high crossing at 20.400. Second resistance is the reaction high crossing at 21.795. First support is the 75% retracement level of the January-February rally crossing at 19.647. Second support is the 87% retracement level of the January-February rally crossing at 19.233.
May copper closed lower on Monday. The low range close sets the stage for a steady to lower opening when Tuesday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are turning bearish signaling that a short term top might be in or is near. Closes below the 20 day moving average crossing at 300.89 would confirm that a short term low has been posted. If May extends the rally off March's low, the 50% retracement level of the December-March decline crossing at 314.55 is the next upside target. First resistance is is the 38% retracement level of the December-March decline crossing at 308.20. Second resistance is the 50% retracement level of the December-March decline crossing at 314.55. First support is the 20 day moving average crossing at 300.89. Second support is March's low crossing at 287.70.
Is the Correction on? It's Meltdown American Style!
gold. silver,
moving average,
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Small Trading Accounts are Ideal for These Trading Methods
We have an important workshop to invite you to coming up on Thursday that really strives to put the opportunities the big guys benefit from into your hands. What was once unreachable is now in our grasp for small account traders.
Don't let the big stock names scare you! Sure, if you bought 100 shares of Apple, Google, Netflix and Amazon you'd need over $200K. But, there's a much better way for you, the individual trader to participate in these high flying opportunities.
This webinar is dedicated to 'everyday' folks starting out with a small account. In this webinar, you'll learn:
* Options Recommendations - top stock and ETF picks
* Risk Management Tips
* Ways to Increase Your Account and Scale
* Using Mini and Weekly Options to trade the big names for a fraction of the cost
* An exact road map to follow to start trading options now
* Minimize risk but still participate for maximum upside
* Strategies for the small account trader to use now with options and a trading system with training included
Want to know how to do it?
Successfully Trading Options with a Small Account - Including High Flying Tech Stocks!
This Thursday, April 10th, 2014
Three times to choose from....12 pm EDT / 9 am PDT / 4 pm GMT
Register Online Right Now
In this webinar, we'll teach you the finer points on how to trade big name stocks with small time capital.
Just Click Here to Reserve Your Logins for Thursday!
See you in the markets!
P.S. Can't make it on Thursday? Reserve your seat anyways and we'll send you the recording!
Here's a complete schedule of our Free Trading Webinars....Just Click Here!
Don't let the big stock names scare you! Sure, if you bought 100 shares of Apple, Google, Netflix and Amazon you'd need over $200K. But, there's a much better way for you, the individual trader to participate in these high flying opportunities.
This webinar is dedicated to 'everyday' folks starting out with a small account. In this webinar, you'll learn:
* Options Recommendations - top stock and ETF picks
* Risk Management Tips
* Ways to Increase Your Account and Scale
* Using Mini and Weekly Options to trade the big names for a fraction of the cost
* An exact road map to follow to start trading options now
* Minimize risk but still participate for maximum upside
* Strategies for the small account trader to use now with options and a trading system with training included
Want to know how to do it?
Successfully Trading Options with a Small Account - Including High Flying Tech Stocks!
This Thursday, April 10th, 2014
Three times to choose from....12 pm EDT / 9 am PDT / 4 pm GMT
Register Online Right Now
In this webinar, we'll teach you the finer points on how to trade big name stocks with small time capital.
Just Click Here to Reserve Your Logins for Thursday!
See you in the markets!
P.S. Can't make it on Thursday? Reserve your seat anyways and we'll send you the recording!
Here's a complete schedule of our Free Trading Webinars....Just Click Here!
Sunday, April 6, 2014
The Odds Are In Your Favor To Trade Gold This Quarter
Using MarketClub's weekly and daily Trade Triangles, I have found that over the last 6 1/2 years, the second quarter of the year has shown the most consistent profits in gold. These past results showed a quarterly gain on average of $7,104.83 on one futures contract.
Gold (XAUUSDO) enjoyed a nice move up earlier in the year, reaching a high of $1393.35 and has pulled back to an important Fibonacci support area. I want to watch this market very carefully and wait for the weekly Trade Triangle to turn green to get bullish on gold. That's not to say I am not longer term bullish, it only means that my timing will kick in when the weekly Trade Triangle turns into a green Trade Triangle.
Besides the Fibonacci support area, the RSI indicator is also at a very low level, similar to that of December 2013.
Trading Results
Q2 of 2008 $965.00
Q2 of 2009 $870.00
Q2 of 2010 $7,057.00
Q2 of 2011 $6,700.00
Q2 of 2012 $4,223.00
Q2 of 2013 $31,260.00
TOTAL $42,629.00
AVE GAIN $7,104.83
The results are based on signals using MarketClub's real time spot gold prices and margin of $8,333. This particular trading strategy and results are based on trading one futures contract, both from the long and short side. An ETF could be substituted, but I suspect the results would be quite different.
Trading Rules
How to use MarketClub's Trade Triangles to trade gold:
Use the weekly Trade Triangle to determine the major trend and initial positions. Use the daily Trade Triangles for timing purposes.
Gold entry and exit signals are generated from the spot Gold (XAUUSDO) chart.
Let me give you an example: if the last weekly Trade Triangle is GREEN, this indicates that the major trend is up for that market. You would use the initial GREEN weekly Trade Triangle as an entry point. You would then use the next RED daily Trade Triangle as an exit point. You would only reenter a long position if and when a GREEN daily Trade Triangle kicked in.
You would then use the next RED daily Trade Triangle as an exit point, provided that the GREEN weekly Trade Triangle is still in place and the trend is positive for that market. The reverse is true when you have a RED weekly Trade Triangle. You would use the initial RED weekly Trade Triangle as an entry point for a short position. You would then use the next GREEN daily Trade Triangle as an exit point.
Only Trade With Risk Capital
Even if the odds are in your favor, don't forget that there are no guarantees in trading and only funds that you can afford to lose should be used to trade with.
See you in the markets!
Adam Hewison
Make sure to catch Adam on INO TV
Sign up for one of our Free Trading Webinars....Just Click Here!
Gold (XAUUSDO) enjoyed a nice move up earlier in the year, reaching a high of $1393.35 and has pulled back to an important Fibonacci support area. I want to watch this market very carefully and wait for the weekly Trade Triangle to turn green to get bullish on gold. That's not to say I am not longer term bullish, it only means that my timing will kick in when the weekly Trade Triangle turns into a green Trade Triangle.
Besides the Fibonacci support area, the RSI indicator is also at a very low level, similar to that of December 2013.
Trading Results
Q2 of 2008 $965.00
Q2 of 2009 $870.00
Q2 of 2010 $7,057.00
Q2 of 2011 $6,700.00
Q2 of 2012 $4,223.00
Q2 of 2013 $31,260.00
TOTAL $42,629.00
AVE GAIN $7,104.83
The results are based on signals using MarketClub's real time spot gold prices and margin of $8,333. This particular trading strategy and results are based on trading one futures contract, both from the long and short side. An ETF could be substituted, but I suspect the results would be quite different.
Trading Rules
How to use MarketClub's Trade Triangles to trade gold:
Use the weekly Trade Triangle to determine the major trend and initial positions. Use the daily Trade Triangles for timing purposes.
Gold entry and exit signals are generated from the spot Gold (XAUUSDO) chart.
Let me give you an example: if the last weekly Trade Triangle is GREEN, this indicates that the major trend is up for that market. You would use the initial GREEN weekly Trade Triangle as an entry point. You would then use the next RED daily Trade Triangle as an exit point. You would only reenter a long position if and when a GREEN daily Trade Triangle kicked in.
You would then use the next RED daily Trade Triangle as an exit point, provided that the GREEN weekly Trade Triangle is still in place and the trend is positive for that market. The reverse is true when you have a RED weekly Trade Triangle. You would use the initial RED weekly Trade Triangle as an entry point for a short position. You would then use the next GREEN daily Trade Triangle as an exit point.
Only Trade With Risk Capital
Even if the odds are in your favor, don't forget that there are no guarantees in trading and only funds that you can afford to lose should be used to trade with.
See you in the markets!
Adam Hewison
Make sure to catch Adam on INO TV
Sign up for one of our Free Trading Webinars....Just Click Here!
Adam Hewison,
Trade Triangle
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Marc Faber: Don’t Keep Your Gold and Silver in the U.S.
Gloom, Boom and Doom Report publisher Marc Faber discusses the fragile state of the U.S. and global financial systems. How rising inflation will affect the average American. How soon the bubble will burst and why gold and silver will triumph.
Here are a few highlights:
“The U.S. is a country that likes to create trouble, but they don’t like to clean up things.”
“We’ve now been five years into the bull market and the U.S. economy bottomed out in June 2009. We already had a crack up boom—not in the economy of the typical household, but in the economy of the "super well to do people", whose asset prices rose dramatically and as a result created a huge wealth inequality.”
“My view would be that we have already printed so much money, and to accelerate it will be bringing about numerous other problems, so my time frame is that the [bubble], maximum, will burst in three years’ time.”
“Once the collapse happens, the power of central banks will be curtailed greatly because people will realize who brought along first the Nasdaq bubble in 1999: The Federal Reserve. Who brought about the housing bubble between 2001 and 2007? The Federal Reserve. And who is bringing now along another great credit bubble and asset bubble? The Federal Reserve.”
“I don’t think that anything is very cheap, but if I have to compare different asset prices, say real estate, stocks, bonds, commodities, gold, art, and so forth—and old cars—then I think that gold and silver [are] relatively inexpensive because they have had big corrections already, and you should not forget that the global bond market now is over $100 trillion.”
The article Don’t Keep Your Gold and Silver in the US, Says Marc Faber was originally published at Casey Research
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